Fine Art

OrangeHare is a fine arts NFT project
dedicated to breaking down the
barriers of what art can do in the 21st century,
and rewriting the stigma surrounding NFTs as
something only crypto lovers can enjoy.


OrangeHare is a fine arts NFT platform dedicated to providing artists a path toward new global audiences in the digital age. By working with top industry professionals and established artists, we aim to not only break down the barriers of what art can do in the 21 st century, but also rewrite the stigma surrounding NFTs as something only crypto lovers can enjoy. Our goal is to expand the scope, scale, and sale of art as we know it beyond the narrow limits of our material reality, and in the process, create a more diverse “collector’s club” free of physical and mental constraints. Above all else, OrangeHare aims to foster appreciation, not speculation- and that all starts with the art we choose to display, and how we choose to display it.

The Artists We Work With

All the artists displayed on OrangeHare are leaders in their various fields with a proven track record of success offline and are not limited by borders, rules, or time-periods.

How We Display

After minting and displaying on Opensea first, OrangeHare will launch its own NFT platform and expand its reach to include more diverse voices in more diverse regions of the world.


OrangeHare is a new concept NFT platform created by international blockbuster exhibition agency Wave-i Inc. and No.1 in Korea, electronic certification company Crosscert Inc.

Now Drops



OrangeHare artists are leaders in their various fields with a proven track record of success offline. Beginning with the legendary movers and shakers of New York’s East Village Scene of the 1970s and 80s and expanding outward to reflect top contemporary talents in New York, Korea, China, and Africa.



Join the OrangeHare Discord and become a member of a growing network of likeminded artists, curators, collectors, and art appreciators from around the world.

Community Membership

Join the OrangeHare Discord and become a member of a growing network of likeminded artists, curators, collectors, and art appreciators from around the world as well as stay up to date on all the latest happenings at OrangeHare. Our community members are always first in line for new drops and exclusive OrangeHare content, including OrangeHare 0 PFP and lottery prizes in the future. Simply enter your email on the OrangeHare homepage or join on Discord today.

OrangeHare Special Membership

Owning OrangeHare 0 PFP entitles you to enter our exclusive Discord channel and be whitelisted for certain limited NFTs releases in the future.


Wave-i Inc

Wave-i is a Korean art agency and curation company committed to introducing new generations of young art appreciators in Asia to unique forms of contemporary art internationally. With a particular focus on the artists and artworks that made NYC’s East Village Scene of the 1980s so special, Wave-i has planned and hosted a number of cutting-edge exhibitions across Asia including East Village New York.

Crosscert Inc

Launched in March 1999, Crosscert Inc. is Korea's first global certification agency and for over two decades has served as the only certification agency in Korea capable of directly issuing internationally recognized certificates. Based on their 20-year partnership with Verisign, the world's largest certification agency, Crosscert Inc. has established its reputation and has recently partnered with both TuringSign and AIBrain to bring artificial intelligence into the next-generation of IT business, which includes blockchain and NFT technology.

Global Collaborative Art Director

Art directors around the world who are connected to the art world in the US, Korea, China, Africa, etc.